WordStream has come a long way since I founded the company in 2007. We've introduced some cool features and functionality over Image Masking the years, but I've never been more excited about a product launch than this- this. Starting today, WordStream Advisor now supports social advertising! This has been going on for a while now, and now is a great time to combine the power of paid social advertising with powerful, highly optimized paid search campaigns. Social advertising Image Masking is a huge opportunity Your customers click on Facebook ads - to the tune of 22 BILLION ad clicks per year, one of the biggest online advertising opportunities since paid search.
If you don't advertise on Facebook, you're missing a huge opportunity to reach users where they spend a lot of time. Facebook advertising is so hot right now that 85% of new WordStream customers are either already advertising on Image Masking Facebook or planning to start very soon! Why social advertising? Paid search is absolutely amazing for targeting high-intent leads. One downside, however, is that it works best for companies selling products that people are already looking for, but don't know where to find. It's harder for PPC advertisers to sell to demographics rather than target specific keywords. (Note: It just keeps getting better; check out the new Image Masking Customer Match Targeting in AdWords.) Social ads, on the other hand, are great for targeting users based on demographics and behavior. Our new social product makes it easier to sell to people who are already looking for your products and to people who might be interested in your services, even if they haven't yet. WordStream Advisor makes social Image Masking advertising easy We know you're busy and running a business is more than a full-time job.
That's why we launched the 20-Minute Workweek in the first place - to give you more time to do what really matters, which is Image Masking taking care of your customers and growing your business. WordStream's social advertising offering makes it super easy to get started with Facebook ad campaigns. We offer the tools you need to implement effective and streamlined Facebook campaigns with minimal effort, as well as prescriptive guidance and workflows that align Image Masking with your business goals and other online advertising campaigns. line. Think of it as an extension of what you already do, rather than reinventing the wheel.