The reality is that it will depend on each situation. For Phone Number List example, consider entering structured data for an e-commerce product listing. In these cases, Google may choose to display the price or rating directly in the rich results. The presence Phone Number List of this information on the results page may lead to rejection if the first does Phone Number List not meet the user's expectations or the second is negative.
On the other hand, in addition to the visual improvement Phone Number List of snippets, incorporating structured data into a website will allow us to facilitate the task of categorizing information to search engines as we mentioned above. Do rich Phone Number List snippets help improve SEO? The answer to this question will depend on many aspects related to SEO. On the one hand, improvements in the visual aspects of our results Phone Number List in the
SERPs can translate into increased click-through rates. In practical Phone Number List terms, this means that for the same number of organic impressions, we will get more clicks and thus increase SEO traffic to our site. On the other hand, Google doesn't Phone Number List say that the presence of Schema markup is a positioning signal. Types of rich snippets allowed by Phone Number List Google Setting aside